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Learn about Michaelangelo's stances on the issues.

Boosting Opportunity for All.

We will work to expand the opportunities our state has for growth by creating more economic opportunities for everyone in the state and becoming the strongest economy in the nation. 

We are all one big American family and as your next member of the U.S. Senate. I will work to ensure that this growth spreads as far as it can. Meaning I would like to see as many of our fellow constituents succeeding in every aspect of their lives financially and otherwise. We should care and ensure each one of us thrives as one people, one district, one state, and one nation under God!

This also means we will support our first responders and members of our law enforcement. Period. However, at the same time, we must ensure that the "bad apples" are held accountable and are removed from the force. 

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Accountability & Addressing Inflation and Taxes.

Inflation & Accountability. I will fight everyday to work with President Trump and the best economists to help stop inflation from growing and I will not be afraid to hold those accountable whoever they may be. We will also work to hold accountable public servants who breach the trust and confidence of the people.

Taxes.  We will also advocate to slightly lower taxes for across the board for all Americans. This will foster more spending and economic growth. However, I will propose that we provide more cuts to those who are lower-income or having a demonstrable need of such a cut.  

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Creating Strong Partnerships.

Intergovernmental Collaboration.  It is critical that as your next United States Senator that I work heavily and closely along partners in the all levels of government to deliver for you.

Public-Private Partnership.  One of the pieces of legislation I will put forth will work to create a stronger collaborative approach to businesses in our district and across the state and our fellow Floridians and Americans. We should be focused on facilitating the personal growth and development of every able-bodied person to achieve their professional goals and aspirations whatever that may be. 

Also, a stronger relationship with business owners and companies will help us create better policy in a sense that we do not just hear one perspective and we can come to an equitable or just policy for everyone. 

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Insurance Reform

Federal FMO/Agency Reform.  Insurance Agencies or Field Marketing Agencies should be more regulated and be held accountable for the business practices and/or damages they may cause anyone including but not limited to Former Agents, Consumers, Unsolicited Consumers, etc. 

A piece of legislation I will file will ensure that we make our industry more agent-friendly, at least in our state. We will mandate that FMOs be required to immediately release any and all appointments regardless of the fact a Former Agent owes a debt to an agency.  We will also include a provision that will mandate that the FMO and Former Agent enter immediate negotiation and then mediation. Failure to start the negotiation phase will result in fines imposed on the FMOs/Agencies.

We should never allow an FMO or Agency to hold a Former Agent's career hostage. This is America - where we all are supposed to have Freedom. 


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Reforming Homeowner Associations.

I am in favor of federal regulations for Homeowner Associations (HOAs) in Florida. It boggles me as to how these organizations can get away with stealing your hard-earned dollars sand leave homeowners stranded if a building or complex is deemed uninhabitable because of the leadership in the HOAs.

I will file a bill during my term to ensure that HOAs have more accountability and that there are mechanisms in place to prevent situations like these from ever happening to our fellow Floridians and Americans.

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Real Estate Reform

Making Renting and Buying Easier.   In my first term, I will work across the isle to come up with lowering our home prices and rentals. We must ensure that renters are not seeing an insane increase in their rental renewal rates while also navigating the needs of investors and landlords to make profits. We need to ensure that Florida continues to be a state where people turn to and invest in.

We can achieve this through a variety of solutions including but not limited to: a federal economic adjustment program.

Expanding Current Programs.  I will work closely along with my partners in all levels of government, especially the Federal Government, to increase funding and support for homeownership assistance programs and the Federal Housing Authority (FHA).

Developing a Federal Multifamily Investment Program.   I will work with multi-family real estate investors, landlords, my future colleagues, and other stakeholders to develop and invest into a state-ran organizational authority that will train and support any Floridian and American to develop and/or acquire multi-family real estate assets. Investors supporting this initiative will receive a percentage of the equity and/or small tax incentives for doing so.  The idea of the program is to allow anyone no matter where you come from in the state to get the help they need to reap the benefits of capitalism. 


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Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform. I will work with President Donald J. Trump to secure our nation's border and make sure that our nation is safe and secure. We must also ensure that our government is equipped to make sure that our immigration laws are enforced and our fellow Americans are protected. Anyone who commits crimes especially those that cause physical harm our fellow Americans should be looked at for deportation. 

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Political advertisement paid for and approved by Michaelangelo Collins Hamilton, Republican, for U.S. Senate
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